
At CrossLight we believe that the lighting community should own the future. We are proudly accepting investment in small amounts to build the future with the community…not some VCs.

506c Offering

Accredited investors

If you qualify as an accredited investor by IRS standards, email [email protected] to get in on the ground floor. Accredited investors must have verifiable assets of 1 million or more, not including their primary home, or$ 200K individual income the last 3 years or $300K joint income the last 3 years.

equity for everyone

Equity Crowd Fund Round

To ensure everyone has a chance to own a part of the company, we will have an equity crowd fund raise starting March 15, 2024. The minimum investment will be only $250 so you can be a part of the future of lighting control.

It’s good to have land

Investor Perks

Investors will obviously get to share in the profits of the company through dividend disbursements.

More than that however it gives you a seat at the table for how we build the future. Investors will get access to VIP forums for product feedback, priority placement on waiting lists for product delivery and early access to app builds.

Things are changing rapidly. AI is at our door step and it is up to us to decide how we want the future tools to impact our jobs. The very tools we use are also going to be used to scrape our talent and build these AI models. Do we want a techbros to decide what our values are and hope they do the right thing, or do we take our future in our own hands?